What Will The Amero Currency Exchange Rate Be?

The exchange rate for the Amero currency are the wild card for the introduction of a new Amero dollar. To make citizens of the United States, Canada and Mexico accept a new currency two things are going to be needed. We are seeing the first with a decline in the US dollar. The second condition would be to set a exchange rate that all countries view as favorable.

If the US dollar continues to collapse as liquidity is pumped into the markets, Americans will welcome a new Amero. As radical as it seems now if the public is drowning they will gladly grasp at any life line that is thrown their way. The Amero will be sold as the solution to economic woes and a way to get out from underneath a devalued dollar. We are now seeing the Government panic over simple market cycles. The pain of these over reactions will be felt very shortly, of course markets can be kept afloat with devalued dollars if that is the goal. The administration had projected a balanced budget shortly based on declining deficits but you can throw that out the window.

Many articles have speculated what will be in it for Canada? Well for a long time Canadians have suffered from a dollar that was worth 60% to 75% of what the US dollar was worth. This was until recently when the Canadian dollar caught and surpassed the USD and has since traded about par with the US dollar. This sparked what could only be described as euphoria among the main stream media in Canada. It also sparked many a shopping spree to south of the border. For many years Canadians had only dreamed of a dollar that was par and if you asked most Canadians if they would like there dollar to be pegged at par with the US dollar they would say, "yes". Of course the solution to a par dollar will be the Amero currency. Pressure from the US and Mexico would also make it impossible for Canada not to switch to a Amero, not doing so would be economic suicide.

Amero Exchange Rate Estimate

$1 Amero= $1 USD

$1 Amero= $1 CND

$1 Amero= 10 Mexican Peso's

The Amero is only the beginning of the end as far as currency goes for the rest of this article and the shocking end game click on the Amero Currency Poll.